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Available Dogs


Adoption Fee: $50

Birthday: Approximately May 2019

Weight: 54 pounds

Breed: Cane Corso/ hound/ lab ( mix)

*Uses doggy door in kennel to potty

*good with cats

*great with kids while on leash because she doesn't have the zoomies

(need to be with kids if they are younger due to her need for speed. Young children don't always know to stay out of the way when a dog has zoomies!

*not good with dominant dogs ( no dog parks)

*loves chew toys and tennis balls! 

Beauty was found wandering all alone in Sweetwater, TN near the dump by a Good Samaritan who posted on Facebook in a lost and found group but no one came forward to claim her. :( Our animal control contact then reached out to us for help with this situation and connected us with the finder. At the time, the Monroe County shelter was over capacity and euthanizing on intake. When she arrived at woofwoof fosters it appeared something strange was going on with her eyes. Turns out, she had a condition called Entropion which caused her eyelashes/eyelids to grow inwards! Beauty has since recovered from surgery and is now ready for adoption! She can be dog selective, particularly with other dominant dogs. We plan to continue working with/testing her to further evaluate if she would be able to possibly live with another dog if their temperaments lined up or if she needs to be the only dog in the home. She would do best in a home without young children as she has a LOT of energy. ( she is super fast and a child can unknowingly get in her path) She loves to run and play and will require mental stimulation in her new home as well as frequent physical stimulation. We think some simple scent trail training or possibly snuffle mats may help meet her needs as we feel she is likely a hound mix with a curious snout! Per our vet, Beauty could potentially need ‘touch up’ surgery on her eyes down the line if they start to bother her again. This is not 100% guaranteed but we want to be sure we let potential adopters know that this could be a potential cost. She also has seasonal allergies which affects her eyes as well. During the spring/summer months, Beauty will likely need eye ointment to help with this, especially if she remains in East TN.


Adoption Fee: $100

Birthday: Approximately May 2019

Weight: 71 pounds

Breed: pit mix

*Uses doggy door in kennel to potty

*Not house trained yet.

*treat motivated, so any training could be done pretty easy with as he is eager to please and loves attention.

*loves chew toys and tug of war with the toy in video.  

*will need wheelchair for fatigue 

*medications for life is 300mg - Gabapentin 2xs per day and Dasuquin 1x per day

Meet Diesel! Diesel is an amazing boy who is good with kids, but we advise to watch his mouthing, other dogs, and can be cat tested! He is around 4.5 years old and weighs 71 lbs. He has always lived outside but we believe he could be trained to live indoors with some patience and a routine. Two of our fellow non-profit contacts found him hobbling along without any use of his back legs while they were out driving in Sweetwater, TN. They pulled over and upon speaking with his owners, found out that he was hit by a car over 2 weeks prior. Unfortunately, his family could not afford to take him to the vet to examine his injuries or figure out how to best support his mobility needs and they agreed to surrender him to our rescue! He saw the vet on May 14th 2024 and we learned that his back was broken in two places. We were originally told that he was likely paralyzed and will likely not regain function of his two back legs. The vet also discovered that Diesel was Heartworm positive. Since then, he underwent the fast-kill method to kill the Heartworms and has completed his treatment after 30 days of rest! One of our amazing followers also donated the funds to get Diesel a custom wheelchair! This wheelchair will follow him to his forever home! Diesel is nothing short of a miracle and we are so excited to finally find a loving home for him. Diesel had a reevaluation on Jan 15th, 2025 at 10am. Diesel will still need his wheelchair at times, however, he can go short distances without it. He will need his wheelchair when he is getting fatigued. If he is going on long walks, he will need it and when he is outside playing for a while. At this time, we are working with him gradually to get him to use his wheelchair less and less. there may be days or a month, where he may not need to use it at all. but, we are not there yet. Diesel will be getting part of his tail amputated due to him chewing on it. UT thinks there may have been some tingling sensations going on in his tail that was bothering him. However, it's truly unknown because a perfectly healthy dog will do the same thing. He is scheduled to go in on Wednesday , Jan, 22, 2025 to get part of it amputated. We are only going to schedule a very small amount taken off first and then see how he does after. Since dogs use their tails to balance, it's important to not take too much at once. While we have him marked as good with kids, please keep in mind that he is a pit mix, he likes to use his mouth allot to give kisses. He also does love bites. He will use his licker and open and close his mouth so fast that his teeth will come in contact. What we like to do is sit on the floor with him to love on him. When we do this, he will lick our face or hand or wherever ( adults at this time have been allowed to sit down with him). He has licked the founders chin and had his teeth touch her as well. its never been out of nothing but love. He just has a smile on his face and 24/7 when he gives "love kisses". He has never left a mark, but you can feel them. It may scare a child, if they are not use to it. Additionally, We do have his x-rays and all information from UT in our email and would be happy to show you for further explanation. If he is put on transport (not ideal) , he would need time to relax /recoup from the long drive. If you are able to come pick him up, that would be best so he can get out and stretch more frequently during the travel. He absolutely loves car rides and just to be with you! it is discouraged that he is paws up on anything like coming up to your waist to get closer for loves for example. This is so he doesn't slip and reinjure himself. He is healed to the point of it being ok, but there is always that possibility of him slipping. We can teach you how to put him in and out of his wheelchair. at this time he is in his wheelchair now is about 10 minutes if he is out playing for an hour or so. We are working towards a longer and longer time for him to just be on his own. He does not need his wheelchair inside or when he is just walking short distances, Its strictly just for fatigue at this point. If he is out playing, and is able to relax and rest, he wont need it. If you are out on a walk, and he is getting tired, he will need it if you plan on continuing the walk. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** UT notes: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEDICAL RECORD UT VTH CLIENT DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE DATED: 01/15/2025 11:41 DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS (34-49-56) DIESEL DR. MICHELLE ESPY WOOFWOOF FOSTERS MONROE COUNTY ANIMAL HOSPITAL 3790 CLAY HOLLOW ROAD 116 SANDS ROAD SWEETWATER, TN 37874 CANINE STAFFORDSHIRE TERRIER SWEETWATER, TN 37874 M 2020 BLK 423 337 7432/423 337 2494 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE OF ADMISSION: JAN 15, 2025@10:00 DATE OF DISCHARGE: JAN 15, 2025@12:00 CLINICIAN(S): MARTI DRUM DVM, PhD, DACVSMR STUDENT: Bobbie Jo Bennett ================================================================= ============ DIAGNOSIS: 1. L5-L6 fracture/luxation (healed) 2. Tail trauma with end/tip necrosis Weight: 32.3 kgs (71 lbs.) ================================================================= ============ CASE SUMMARY: Diesel presented to the UTCVM Rehabilitation Service today for rear wheel cart evaluation. On presentation, he was bright and alert, and all vitals were within normal limits. He was taken in by the rescue around June/July 2024 and noted to have issues dragging his back legs about 2 weeks prior. His physical exam findings today included some dry skin and areas of hair loss along his ankles. He also had severe trauma to his distal tail where the tip has necrosed (dead tissue) and is cold to the touch. There was absent to delayed proprioception in his left hind limb, but normal in his right hind. Bilateral hind limb atrophy was improved but still present. He did have radiographs from his primary veterinarian showing evidence of an old lumbar L5-L6 fracture/luxation that has since healed. Otherwise orthopedically, we did not find any abnormalities. Some minor adjustments were made to his Eddie's wheel chair, but he is still able to pull his hind legs out of the cart at times. He is currently on gabapentin 300mg twice a day, and receives Dasuquin joint supplements daily. ================================================================= ============ RECOMMENDATIONS 1) Continue to use his rear support wheel chair during periods of fatigue after activity. 2) Incorporate daily sit-to-stand exercises, 10 reps per session with proper 'rock-back sit' posture and avoid 'walking out' of the sit as demonstrated. The posture during his sit and subsequent standing is important to allow targeted quad and hamstring strengthening rather compensatory movement from the shoulder ** THIS NOTE CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIESEL ~ WOOFWOOF FOSTERS UT COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MED Printed:01/15/2025 13:30 34-49-56 DOB:00/00/2020 Pt Loc: OUTPATIENT VTH 2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEDICAL RECORD UT VTH CLIENT DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01/15/2025 11:41 ** CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE ** and core. 3) Diesel will need a tail amputation as the tip of his tail is now dead. Because Diesel does use his tail for balance, it is reasonable at this time to consider a partial amputation. However, partial tail amputations may fail and result in revision to full tail amputation. Please follow up with your regular DVM for tail amputation. 4) Another option for a wheel chair would be "Walkin' Wheels" (brand of cart with a fabric saddle). These style carts can sometimes be easier for dogs to run in. Diesel's Eddie's Wheels cart is still useful, especially in the future as we anticipate as he ages the spine will degenerate further. This is likely several years in the future. Eddie's Wheels carts are the best option for dogs that have minimal to zero ability to move their legs and are very debilitated. Moderately active dogs also do well in Eddie's carts, but may be limited from high activity like fast running. 5) Continue using the Eddie's as needed, but attempt to gradually decrease use to determine if Diesel has gained enough strength to discontinue use for now. Additionally, the Walkin Wheels carts do offer a partial reimbursement if returned within the first 30 days, so it may be an option to trial the different cart style. Regardless, you should see continued improvement not regression. If you note regression, this could indicate new onset orthopedic disease (most likely elbow or knee problems given Diesel's breed), or new/worsening spinal cord compression. A DVM should evaluate Diesel if these changes are noted. ================================================================= ============ Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding Diesel's care. We are happy to recheck or readjust his carts as needed. RECEIPT OF ABOVE ANIMAL IS ACKNOWLEDGED: ___________________________________ CLIENT SIGNATURE DATE Signed by: /es/ MARTI DRUM DVM, PhD, DACVSMR SACS Rehabilitation 01/15/2025 12:44 for BENNETT,BOBBIE MSc, Clinical Student - Class of 2025 Cosigned by: /es/ MARTI DRUM DVM, PhD, DACVSMR SACS Rehabilitation 01/15/2025 12:44 01/15/2025 13:21 ADDENDUM STATUS: COMPLETED Correction, Diesel was rescued in May 2024. ** THIS NOTE CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE ** Signed by: /e


Single, older female seeking companionship 🫶🏼 Interests: food, being outside, food, getting pets, and food Dislikes: stairs, diets, and being without A/C 🥵 Sweet Paris could really use a long term foster home. This would also free up some space at our rescue as we are still over capacity! ☝️ She has done well with other dogs ✅ and children ✅ but no cats ❌ please. Paris has Cushings Disease and requires daily medication 💊 which will be provided (along with all other supplies). She is potty trained and crate trained. Her original owner has kept in touch but has still been unable to reclaim her. 😢 We are currently working through how to best handle this situation but want to make sure the foster is somewhat local to bring her to see her old owner for visitation as able.


Weight: 63 pounds

Breed: Labrador 

*Uses doggy door in kennel to potty

 *house trained

*prefers to lounge around on a nice day outside

*prefers room temp around 68-70 degrees F year round

***diagnosed with cushings on 08/23/2022***

*medications for life is: librela shot as needed ( approx. 1 time per month at vet), Incurin - 2xs per day, Dasuquin -1x per day and a liquid medicine at 1ml - 2xs per day ( everything is put in her food. She has no problem eating)

*prefers to be in a home without other animals. or with another dog that will just leave her alone. 

* she will go down a step and back up, but nothing higher than 4 inches in height. prefers a ramp. 

*needs help getting in and out of a vehicle